Friday, 24 January 2014

Informal Education In India - Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd.

Informal Education in India is basically a continuous process in simple terms it is a process to learn through some activities or through the interest of an individual or from a group of society. Informal education takes its existence when an individual or group of peoples who are not able to continue their education or who are uneducated but informal education is a regular process of helping or supporting people to learn. The main advantage of informal education is that it can occur at any stage or at any age of life. It can occur at any age from birth to death it can be additive or transformative. Structure of this format of education is basically non- formal in simple terms we can define non formal education as a "systematic education which is carried outside the boundaries of formal system of education."

The implementation of non formal education is systematically organized in difference to formal education. Informal education does not require any special efforts learning in a market place or in a room can be an example of informal education. Formal education is generally imparted in schools or colleges but informal education does not have any specialized or pre planned structure and even informal education does not have any fixed time-table or any curriculum. Understanding the importance of Non-Formal education in the country like India where school drop out rate is very high, Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. always tends to include Non Formal Education in Social Development Projects. Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. has been associated with NGOs working in education sector.

Informal Education is one of the modes of providing education basically derived from formal education and this concept i.e. used wide in range in India and the main aim of non- formal education is to spread the knowledge among the whole society. Non-formal education is programmed to serve the needs of the identified groups. Formal education has clear set of characteristic. Whenever one or more of these characteristic is absent, we can say that the educational system had adopted non-formal features. Non-formal education features are initiated when the process does not need attendance of the students and there is decreased contact between teacher and student and almost major activities take place outside the institution or study center. This will majorly involve home reading and paperwork. Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. understands that teachers play a crucial role in uplifting the quality of education. Non-formal education consists of sufficient variety of educational situations and this has played an important role in the regeneration of educational systems. There is a need to analyze three processes of education that are: “distance learning”, “correspondence learning” and “open systems”, which will fall under the category of non-formal education. 


Corporate nowadays have begin to realize that they have certain level of responsibility towards the society. A growing realization has developed among corporate that they should contribute to social activities globally with a desire to improve the immediate environment where they work and many companies are taking keen interest in such activities. This has also developed due to the general perception that companies paying genuine attention to the principles of social responsibility are favored by the public who prefer to consume their goods and services. This has given rise to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

The term social responsibility is based on the doctrine that claims that any entity whether it is government, corporation or individual has a responsibility towards society they are part of. Narayan Murthy, the founder of Infosys once said about Corporate Social Responsibility that ‘social responsibility is to create maximum shareholders value working under the circumstances, where it is fair to all its stakeholders, workers, consumers, the community, government and the environment.'

Majority of population in India lives in its villages. Literally and from the social, economic and political perspectives the statement is valid even today. 65% of the countries population is living in rural areas. People living in rural areas should have the quality of life equivalent to the life enjoyed by people living in sub urban and urban areas. Apart from this problems like poverty, unemployment, poor and inadequate infrastructure in rural areas effects adversely on urban centres causing slums and consequential social and economic tensions manifesting in economic deprivation and urban poverty. Hence, Rural Development, that is concerned of  economic growth and social justice and improvement in the living standard of the rural people by providing adequate and quality social services and minimum basic needs become essential.  

India is a land primarily based on agriculture. Agriculture contributes nearly one-fifth of the gross domestic product in India. In order to increase the growth of agriculture, the Government has planned several programs pertaining to Rural Development in India. Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. designs social concepts related to agriculture and allied sectors to increase the yield per hectare as well as increase income from the activities by strengthening the value chain. 

Apart from this, Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. also develops concepts to provide alternative skills to rural people through CSR projects. Providing alternative skills to rural people reduces their dependency on agriculture that doesn't provide sustainable income. Corporate Social Responsibility is thus considered very important as far as rural areas are concerned.