Saturday, 29 June 2013

Fiinovation odyssey

Keeping up with the changing scenario, Fiinovation supports CSOs by developing concepts that use innovative strategies for community based interventions. We understand that reforming current strategies is crucial for preparing the CSOs to cope up with the new challenges. We offer integrated innovative fundraising and project management solutions for civil society organizations working in the Health, Education, Livelihood and Environment sector. Through the array of services which include stakeholder analysis and situation analysis of the area, we deliver customized projects as per the donor portfolio and the need of the project area.

While you dedicate all your resources in eradicating poverty, enhancing social entrepreneurship and developing capacities for economically and socially marginalized communities, we affirm to be the much needed support you need in raising funds for concepts. Fiinovation is strategically poised to design resource mobilization strategies, support project development and management, identify right partners for planned initiatives and above all mobilize funds for initiatives you plan to implement.

Realizing the need to enhance resilience and promote sustainability in social projects, FIINOVATION, follows a sequential and integrated approach. Years of experience coupled with team of sector specific professionals, Fiinovation tends to bridge the gap and lead the micro towards the macro, through its unique services. At FIINOVATION, we combine innovation with research, to develop socially acceptable and commercially viable enterprises. We adopt a entrepreneurship development approach to tackle the social problems/issues by utilizing local opportunities and appropriately developing them as entrepreneurs.

What makes us Unique?

·         Abreast with changing donor trends and fund movement
·         Inbuilt MIS page for your project update
·         Resource mobilization for your dream project within 180 days
·         Identify unique and location specific opportunities that enhance possibility of funding
·         Comprehensive need based assessment to develop a strategic plan for fund raising
·         Domain specific research oriented work force
·         In-house Proposal Research Lab to conduct in-depth research while preparing proposals

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Fiinovation - International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

The UN General Assembly passed a resolution on December 7 1987 to observe June 26th every year as International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society which is drug abuse free. This resolution recommended further action with regard to the report and conclusions of the 1987 International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. 

Selecting themes for the International Day is done by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and launches campaigns to increase awareness about the global drug problem. Health is the ongoing theme of the world drug campaign.

UNODC campaign themes since 2000

2010 - Health is the ongoing theme of the world drug campaign.
2007-2009 - "Do drugs control your life? Your life. Your community. No place for drugs."
2006 - "Value yourself...make healthy choices"
2005- "Drugs is not child's play"
2004 - "Drugs: treatment works"
2003 - "Let's talk about drugs"
2002 - "Substance abuse and HIV/AIDS"
2001 - "Sports against drugs"
2000 - "Facing reality: denial, corruption and violence"

This year's UNODC global awareness theme "Make health your 'new high' in life, not drugs" aims to inform the public, and particularly young people, about the harmful effects of new psychoactive substances (NPS). The substances sold openly, including through the internet, which not yet been tested for safety in humans, can be far more dangerous than traditional drugs.

Presently the sheer number of NPS arriving on the scene almost weekly compounded by the lack of understanding of the adverse effects and addictive prospective of these uncontrolled substances presents a major public health challenge. The difference between a 'safe' and toxic dose is marginal and NPS have been associated with fatalities, delirium and violent behaviour. Mixtures of NPS bought naively by users have resulted in unpredictable and sometimes disastrous effects.

Illegal drug trafficking is a clear obstacle to development. This cross-border problem requires a robust and coordinated law enforcement response within and among countries. Tackling organized crime and the illicit drugs trade is a shared responsibility. But the rule of law is only part of the equation. For instance, farmers dependent on the cultivation of illicit drugs such as coca, marijuana and opium must be offered alternative livelihoods, while drug users and addicts need help not stigmatization.

For more information visit: Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Fiinovation - The project road trip

Inadequacies and flaws in the existing social projects, give way to new and innovative models that could replace them. Over the years, newer problems and challenges have led to the creation and adoption of better projects. The conventional projects that facilitated improvement in the social standards, cannot be put to use today and therefore there is a need to revamp the social projects in India. Demand from bottom of the pyramid market, external market forces, macroeconomic challenges have given birth to new and innovative concepts. The advent of venture funds, PPP models, producer companies and social enterprise are examples of such changes, which have transformed the development arena.

The social projects have undertaken a long journey and have undergone significant changes, in the following areas:

·         Adoption of innovative strategies for community based interventions.
·         Development of projects that are replicable & scalable and have long term impacts.
·         Comprehensive, integrated, client-oriented implementation programmes.
·         Engagement in evidence based programming.
·         Integration of policy advocacy component.
·         Participatory and rights based approaches to programme development.
·         Strengthening local institutions.
·         Conversion of social models to socio-economic models.
·         Involvement of women as agents of change.

With the changes in the social scenario, there also is a need to accordingly design new projects and social models.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Fiinovation - Donate Blood - Nothing you lose; saves one's life.

Every year the world comes together on June 14 to celebrate World Blood Donor Day. This year the World Health Organization is celebrating the 10th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day with a slogan for this year "Give the gift of life: donate blood". World Health Organizations aims to achieve 100% supply of blood in all countries from voluntary unpaid donors (Melbourne Declaration). The declaration recognized the need for a sustainable blood supply by increasing the number of voluntary donors who donate regularly. It also thanked the donors and recognized the importance of protecting them. It also recognized the fact that achieving the Millennium Development Goals of reducing child mortality, improving maternal health and combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases is dependent on safe transfusion and sustainable blood supply. The reasons for the demand for blood differ in low income countries and high income countries. Blood is required to treat anemia in children under 5, and to manage pregnancy related complications in the lower income countries especially the African nations where as in developed nations blood is required in cardiovascular and transplant surgery, cancer treatment etc. In many countries, there is not an adequate supply of safe blood, and blood services face the challenge of making sufficient blood available, while also ensuring its quality and safety.

Every year around 107 million units of blood are collected from donors globally. The optimistic aspect about the collections is that as much 50% of the blood donations come from countries with high income group which is home to only 15% of the world's population. Imagine a day where blood donations are collected from 50% of the world population. So many lives can be saved and the Melbourne declaration can be achieved easily. Today 73 countries around the world have to collect more than 50% of their blood supply from family/replacement or paid donors. We accept the fact that blood donation varies from income group, still WHO is striving hard in association with countries to encourage voluntary blood donations. However, only 62% of the countries have specific legislation covering the safety and quality of blood transfusion.

France the host nation for this year is supporting this cause since the 1950s and is self sufficient in voluntary blood supply. However, Sri Lanka which will host the World blood donor day 2014 has remarkable achieved the feet within just 10 years. The percentage of voluntary blood donations has grown from 39% to 97% since 2003. Sri Lankans say that because most of them are Buddhists that's why blood donation is religiously and culturally accepted and very much a valued concept. The approaches that Sri Lanka has taken towards this initiative are that they encourage blood donations on full moon day in schools, temples, universities. Other innovations include facebook page, free CPR training and card system (silver/gold/platinum).

The blood donation performance inIndia is comparatively poor with only 10-20 persons donating blood among 1000 persons. We as Indians need to think about the blood requirements and try and save every life which is at risk due to non-availability of blood to transfuse. It's very obnoxious that many die in India because we don't even have 10% of the population donating blood which can save millions of lives. That's why today we ask you some straight forward questions, when is the last time you donated blood? Or when is the last time someone you know donated blood?

Help save lives, encourage everyone along with yourself to donate blood.